Nitrogen generator from the compressed air | Ceimsa

Nitrogen generator

Ceimsa brings you a safe, cost effective, nitrogen consumption solution with totally independent, on-site installations.

  • Save up to 70% in costs. The investment normally pays for itself within 15 -30 months depending on consumption.
  • The solution is a safe, reliable alternative to traditional bottled or liquid supplies. It also means avoiding the hazardous situations involved in transported gas supplies.
  • The generators produce nitrogen from compressed air, making it possible to increase the flow according to the needs of the user. They are also very versatile in terms of characteristics, covering a wide range of requirements: industrial network supplies, filling bottles at high pressure, etc. (see the Ceimsa nitrogen compressor catalogue).
HCM2012 (NTR) for industrial use

Ceimsa generators produce nitrogen from compressed air and are extremely versatile in terms of characteristics, covering a wide range of requirements: industrial network supplies, filling bottles at high pressure, etc. (see nitrogen compressors).


Ceimsa Location Map

Ceimsa S.L.

Poligono Mugazuri 6A
Tel.: + 34 948 13 17 76
Fax: + 34 948 12 44 70

Quality certifications

Quality certifications

Company strategic interest

Company strategic interest, Moderna proyect

Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo RegionalEsta entidad ha recibido una ayuda cofinanciada al 50% por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional a través del Programa Operativo FEDER 20072013 de Navarra.